Monday, June 6, 2011

Geometer's Sketchpad

1. Geometer's Sketchpad. ( Most schools have the software on their computers.

2. Interactive geometry software program used for exploring geometry, algebra, calculus, as well as many other mathematical applications. Lets students draw points, lines, circles, triangles, etc and measure lengths, angles, area, and perimeter. Used for exploratory learning.

3. Medium difficulty when first starting to learn the software but after 2-3 full lessons and practice with the software it is very simple. Menus and features are very accessible and easy to use once you are familiar with the program.

4. Can use Geometer's Sketchpad all the time during geometry class. There are endless activities that students can engage in to discover some of the fundamental properties of geometry. This program can also be used in algebra and calculus for some parts.

5. Yes, the tool is definitely worth learning. It helps students to discover some mathematical properties on their own instead of just being told the rules.


  1. I agree, Geometer's Sketchpad is a great tool to use in a mathematics classroom. In a math-education class I took during my undergraduate coursework, we spent a full day (the course met for 4 hours at a time) exploring the software. I was able to see how students could learn straight-edge and compass constructions, which would definitely be useful since students could quickly change the radii of given circles or change other properties of their constructions. I'm not sure if you're familiar with it, but Geogebra offers many similar features and is free to download or start right from an internet browser.

  2. Yes I have explored Geogebra as well. It's always great when software like this is available for free.

  3. I had used Geometer's Sketchpad when I was an undergraduate. I think this program has tremendous benefits in the classroom. A lot of schools are moving away from direct instruction and towards exploratory and group learning and I think this program is an excellent addition in any classroom.


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